Has Outsourcing Transformed the Digitization Globally?

It is a well-known fact about Alibaba’s owner being the world’s biggest global marketplaces today. Also, it had become the largest public offering and raised approximately $25 Million. But does this gigantic success has anything related to task delegation? Well, Yes!

Everyone knows that Jack Ma started with a small internet firm named China Yellow Pages. But few of us know that he had outsourced the website development to an American-based firm in its pilot phase. This project proved to be successful than ever!!

Outsourcing – A Champion

The process of outsourcing or third party service provider has always been championing as “more savings” and “double-digit savings.” These are the initial stage benefits which will gradually progress with enhancing the process and enormous business outcomes. With this, it started an eruption of service-oriented markets and laid the foundation for a comprehensive outsourcing culture.

Offshore outsourcing is a trend that is on the rise which consists of all technical, non-technical, and non-core operations. This includes accounting services outsourcing, IT Solutions, Enterprise Consultant, System Integration, and more.

Several decades since now, the world of outsourcing providers has moved on dramatically from the initial agenda of cost-cutting to providing effective solutions to the firms. Also, termed as a fundamental force of change, the cost-saving factor no longer holds the major factor for being competitive in the evolving markets.

It has been a gradual change that outsourcing service providers realized that innovative process along with automation enhances efficiency. Not only this brings value, but it also brings real business change. To stay updated and competent in the industry, the service providers alter their work schedules and ethics to global transformation.

Has the Digital Revolution affected Outsourcing?

Ever than before, new-age clients have substantial access to information across the Internet. Along with this, an ever-evolving network of social platforms, digital channels, and easy availability of the internet through hand-held gadgets has been buzzing these well-informed clients. In today’s generation, they can easily search for products and services being offered along with their ratings and reviews.

The consumer business has been affected along with complex and multiple channels being involved. The digital revolution has put the service providers in control without affecting the clients’ businesses.

Traditional vs Digitally Transferred Outsourcing Model

In the previous era, the success parameters of outsourcing were measured in terms of cost-effectiveness, fundamental technology, time flexibility, and resource availability. The competition between cost savings and high performance was always controversial in the traditional model and was the deciding factor as well.

As compared to the digital outsourcing model, the conventional model also used to focus on the transactions handled, hours clocked, and per-transaction fees. This used to eliminate the monitoring of the Unique Selling Points [USPs] of the services provided and other market standards.

Advantages of Digital Transformation Opportunity

While grabbing the enormous opportunity of embracing the digital outsourcing model, the experienced service providers are delivering top-notch services to their new-age customers. They have been able to fulfill this with expenses reduction, lower costs, scalable technologies like Cloud, and round-the-clock assistance.

Also, below listed are the other unseen yet impeccable benefits of digital transformation:

  • Access to top-quality and hard-to-acquire experts in various niche technologies.
  • Flexible to hire exclusive technology-specific manpower for a limited time.
  • Effective hands-on experience in various niche areas.
  • Cost-saving, time-effectiveness, and scalability.
  • Intelligent automation can overcome the burden of tedious tasks by freeing up resources for value-adding activities concentration.

Bright future for businesses embracing digital transformation globally

With time, technology has tremendously evolved and has been continuing to do so. Also, the advent of cloud and other mobile solutions has enabled businesses and organizations for business automation. Visibly, this shift to digital outsourcing models has resulted in the growth of the next phase including processes and automation through enhanced technological solutions.

A large talent pool, subject matter experts, scalability, and their capability to complex solutions delivery is the trademark of digitally evolving providers. As a result, it supports the providers to help their business clients and associates to leverage innovation and achieve the bull’s eye.


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